Sloppy Joes Recipe Image

Sloppy Joes

I have fond memories of Sloppy Joes. This recipe is a better version, with a lot of flavor and a little spice, but still reminiscent of my childhood memories.

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Rib Eye Roast

Rib Eye Roast

We cooked a rib eye roast for Christmas Eve dinner his year, since we couldn’t go out to a restaurant. This roast made for an easy but elegant dinner. We served with fingerling potatoes, asparagus and homemade horseradish sauce on the side. But no need to wait for a holiday, it also works well for…

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Red Thai Curry with chicken

Thai Red Curry

This is one of my favorite Thai dishes, so of course, I had to learn to cook it at home. When I found that most recipes used Kaffir Lime Leaves, I bought reluctantly at the grocery store, since they were expensive! After that first attempt preparing this recipe, I knew I wanted to cook with Kaffir leaves…

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Roasted Turkey

Stuffed Roasted Turkey & Gravy

We order our Thanksgiving turkey from the butcher in downtown Issaquah each year and brine ourselves. I usually cook a 10 to 12 pound bird, but the brine instructions will work for a larger turkey as well. Brine your turkey one to two days before cooking. WEIGHT OF BIRD  ROASTING TIME (UNSTUFFED)  ROASTING TIME (STUFFED)…

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A paella pan is needed for this recipe. We purchased an outdoor propane system with pan from the Spanish Table in Seattle.

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